

If the light is not fully intense, the resulting light will be gray. In some other color models, such as the HSV color space, the neutral colors (white, grays, and black) lie along a central axis. Complementary colors (as defined in HSV) lie opposite each other on any horizontal cross-section.


For example, in the CIE 1931 color space a color of a " dominant" wavelength can be mixed with an amount of the complementary wavelength to produce a neutral color (gray or white). In the CMYK color model, the primary colors magenta, cyan, and yellow together make black, and the complementary pairs are magenta–green, yellow–blue, and cyan–red.Ĭolor printing, like painting, also uses subtractive colors, but the complementary colors are different from those used in painting. As a result, the same logic applies as to colors produced by light. Color printing uses the CMYK color model, making colors by overprinting cyan, magenta, yellow, and black ink. In printing the most common complementary colors are magenta–green, yellow–blue, and cyan–red. The team behind Clipy continue fixing bugs and adding features.In terms of complementary/opposite colors, this model gives exactly the same result as using the RGB model. HistoryĬlipy began after it’s predecessor, the ClipMenu app, stopped receiving updates. If you’re forgetful, set “Max clipboard history size” to a small number so that it clears more quickly.


Clear your history after every password or API key. Malicious users could view and use sensitive information in your history.īe aware of what you copy. Let’s consider how these new features impact your security and privacy. Anything you copy will stay in your clipboard until you manually clear it or run out of items in your history. No links for formatting will carry over when you paste. Remember that the text is still only stored as plaintext. You can even set up hotkeys to each of the snippet folders you set up. Self help: use the snippets as a simple cheatsheet or help document.Blog or document layouts: save your preferred writing patterns.URLs or email addresses: a simple alternative to bookmarks.Commands: paste long or complex command line commands.


  • Code snippets: write small bits of code once and reuse everywhere.
  • Email templates: save templates for each of your common emails.
  • I haven’t had as much time to use this feature, but it’s like giving an item in your clipboard a permanent spot. Put items in a group, assign a hotkey, and use it whenever you need it. It’s something I’ve come to take for granted when working on a different computer. I take advantage of this feature every day. But if you paste explicitly using Clipy (⌘+Shift+V), it will always paste as plaintext. If you copy formatted text (with bold, italics, etc) ⌘+V will paste with the format intact. This is a huge benefit because it keeps your style and formatting consistent.Ĭlipy’s history is in plaintext. When you paste as plaintext the item inherits the formatting of the current document. I can flip from one group to the next until I find what I was looking for.


    That gives me a long history to look at whether I’m working on slides for a presentation or hacking on code. Using the Clipy app to paste something from history
